타일 외장의 테라스 주택[The Garden Room] - Objekt Architecten


앞이 좁고 뒤가 넓은 형태의 부지에 두 개의 주거 단위를 가진 주택을 설계했습니다.
1층에는 정원과 테라스를, 2층에는 두 개의 테라스를 갖추고 있으며, 넓은 채광창을 통해 자연광이 내부로 들어옵니다.
루비 레드 타일 외관과 붉은 목재로 마감된 건물은 주변과 대조되는 보석 같은 느낌을 줍니다.


We were charged with the design of a multifamily house on a smaller vacant plot in a semi-open development. The biggest challenge here lies in the shape of the plot: very narrow in front and widening towards the back. In addition, it also had to connect seamlessly to the adjacent blind façade of the house.

To make the different building levels visible in a quest for recognizability and captivating volumetry, incisions were made, as it were, where limited overhangs provide the shadow effect desired. These incisions provide a logical transition between the different building depths at the back. At the front, the overhang forms the covered entrance porch of the duplex house.

The building houses two residential units, both with separate entrances. The two-bedroom flat on the ground floor has its entrance in the side elevation of the building. Residents can enjoy a nice outdoor space with a spacious terrace and a nice garden. The upstairs duplex flat, also with two bedrooms, is accessed through the front facade. The lack of a garden here is compensated by two spacious terraces at the rear of the building. A generous skylight above the void at the stairwell allows natural daylight to spread deep into the duplex.

The façade of the building is clad in a ruby-red, glazed tile. Together with the red-colored exterior joinery, it seeks to create a pared-down, monolithic whole, reinforcing its volumetrics. The whole contrast with the other buildings, like a jewel in its raw surroundings.

The Garden Room


Architects :  Objekt Architecten
Area : 220㎡
Year : 2023
Photographs :   Ypsilon Business Photography


from archdaily