지진 후 복원된 예배당[ Señor de Tula Sanctuary] - AGENdA Agencia de Arquitectura

2022. 1. 12. 15:28ARCHITECTURE

2017년, 멕시코 모렐로스 주의 조후틀라, 지진으로 큰 피해를 입었고 많은 가옥들과 18세기 유적이 있던 Santuario Senor de Tula(사당)도 심각한 피해를 입게된다. 지진 후 4년. 기존 장소를 모든 사람들의 집으로 만들기위해 폐허공간을 큰 지붕, 넓은 아치벽을 갖춘 공공 공간으로 재건하는 프로젝트를 진행한다.

On 19 September 2017, an earthquake jolted the city of Jojutla in the Mexican state of Morelos, destroying over 2,600 homes and leaving nearly all public infrastructures in ruins. The team formed by AGENdA Agencia de Arquitectura | Camilo Restrepo (Colombia) and the practice of Derek Dellakamp and Jachen Schleich (Mexico), with Francisco Eduardo Franco Ramírez, was tasked to rebuild the Señor de Tula Sanctuary, which dates back to more than five centuries ago. With a built area of 450 square meters, the project starts out from a large roof of brick vaults held up by a concrete structure presenting arches at the corners. In this way, air circulates and natural light streams in. Returning to the typology of the open chapel, the terracing of the floor from the atrium to the altar gives privacy without hindering visual contact with the surroundings.

Señor de Tula Sanctuary

Jojutla, Mexico

Architects : AGENdA Agencia de Arquitectura
Year : 2020

from. arquitecturaviv