맥시코시티 집합주거[Tepic 22] - tallerdea



맥시코시티의 도시주거개발프로젝트

대상지는 19세기 후반부터 중산층 주택단지로 형성되어왔던 4:1비율의 거대한 사이트이고,
건물 앞뒤로 구성된 공용공간, 사적공간 "개인 클러스터"들은 "privdas"라고 부르는 큰 거리로 연결되며 작용한다.

Tepic 22 is an urban housing project located in Colonia Roma: one of the most vibrant neighborhoods in Mexico City, and an ideal place for housing developments in recent years.

The topology of the plot: a very large piece of land with a 1:4 ratio shaped the middle-class housing complexes from the last half of the 19th century, private clusters connected by a large street called "privadas" a spatial organization in which architectural solutions have taken advantage of the common and private spaces alike.

Our project Tepic 22 takes inspiration from revisiting those architectural solutions and their possible adaptations to the contemporary ways of producing housing.

Tepic 22

Colonia Roma, Mexico

Architects : tallerdea
Area : 3,180㎡
Year : 2019

from archdaily